Notes, process, and debriefs from the studio.

  1. Read more: Marie, Sofia, Roger, and I
    Marie, Sofia, Roger, and I
    • | POEM

    Marie, Sofia, Roger, and I

    "this is what it’s about:
    the loneliness of being female and surrounded
    by a world that knows how to use you but
    not how to value and understand you."

  2. Read more: I Am Calculating
    I Am Calculating

    I Am Calculating

    I never stopped to think about who's game—and whose hand—I was playing into. 

  3. Read more: Universe for Sale
    Universe for Sale

    Universe for Sale

    Concept statement for my very first Minimum-Viable-Art-Project.

  4. Read more: Poetry's Not What It Used To Be—And Neither Are We
    Poetry's Not What It Used To Be—And Neither Are We

    Poetry's Not What It Used To Be—And Neither Are We

    On learning to love poetry, navigating the machine of the internet, and defining what's real. 

  5. Read more: A Theory on Stuff
    A Theory on Stuff

    A Theory on Stuff

    (This post is so old but it's here because I think it represents the beginning of a shift for me.)

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