Notes, process, and debriefs from the studio.

  1. Read more: Performance Improvement Plan
    Performance Improvement Plan
    • | POEM

    Performance Improvement Plan

    First poem of 2025. Catch it while it's hot.

  2. Read more: Aftershock
    • | POEM


    "Not all wounds bleed, 
    I gander there’s an itty bitty one in me,
    pretty coagulated into shame and prisms."

  3. Read more: The Virus
    The Virus
    • | POEM

    The Virus

    "We don’t wait for stars to constellate I don’t think they ever will to be totally honest with you."

  4. Read more: Marie, Sofia, Roger, and I
    Marie, Sofia, Roger, and I
    • | POEM

    Marie, Sofia, Roger, and I

    "this is what it’s about:
    the loneliness of being female and surrounded
    by a world that knows how to use you but
    not how to value and understand you."

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